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Exam System

  • 1. Removal of Exam Fear: Preparation doesn’t complete without particular exam oriented preparation. Exam is the grave anxiety creating factor among the student. Majority of the student perform nicely during their classroom preparation but on the day they can’t present their best. It is only due to lack of exam oriented psychological build up & huge negative thinking regarding exam.

  • 2. Every Day Exam: We conduct everyday assignment & short Mock test of each subject to remove the fear of the exam

  • 3. Instant Doubt Clearing: We provide every day doubt clearing instantly

  • 4. Instant Tips & Tricks: We provide unique tips & tricks to easy recall the giant syllabus content during regular teaching period as well as at the end of session.

  • 5. Instant Result Publish: Outcome of the exam i.e. score or ranking of the student is one of the great driving force among the student. In this regards, delayed publication of the result doesn’t evoke the driving force at all or evokes minutely. We realize that, instant result publication evokes huge driving force among the student which provide a huge thrust to the student to become more appropriate for exam. That is why we publish instant result of the examination.
